Yoga Bridge Article

Yoga on the “Inside”: An Inmate’s Story

By YAA Admin / 15 April 2024

By Allistair Middleton Originally published in Yoga Bridge – AUTUMN 2012 VOLUME 12 ISSUE 3 I am a thirty-two year old aspiring yogi who is…

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Yoga In Schools Residency Pilot Project

By YAA Admin / 15 April 2024

By Debbie Spence and Marcia Langenberg Originally published in Yoga Bridge – AUTUMN 2016 VOLUME 16 ISSUE 3 The Yoga Association of Alberta (YAA) applied…

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YAA Prison Outreach Program

By YAA Admin / 14 April 2024

Editor’s Note: The history of the YAA’s Prison Outreach Program has been published in previous Yoga Bridge articles (see Spring, 2010 and Autumn, 2012). The…

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YAA Outreach at Alberta Institutions

By YAA Admin / 14 April 2024

By Paul Yapp interviewed by Norm Cowley Originally published in Yoga Bridge – AUTUMN 2019 VOLUME 19 ISSUE 3 The first time Paul Yapp visited…

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Developmental Movements

By YAA Admin / 10 April 2024

Developmental Movements: Knowing where we come from and where we are going by being present by George McFaul Originally published in the Spring 2024 issue…

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