Teacher Training Program

The YAA offers its own Hatha Yoga Teacher Training Program with Initial Certification at the 200-Hour Level, and also offers Advanced Training Levels with recognition at the 500-Hour, 750-Hour and 1,000-Hour Levels.

The YAA-TTP is a mentorship-based program in Hatha yoga where students choose a YAA Senior Teacher as a personal mentor. Students are able to choose a style or lineage that suits their needs and preferences, while following a standard curriculum of training. Assistance in finding a YAA Senior Teacher with whom to mentor is available, and this can be done after admission.
The YAA Equivalency Certification Program is the first step for those who have already completed equivalent basic training elsewhere and automatically puts teachers en route to Advanced Training Levels.
The YAA has been recognized across Canada for its high standards of yoga instruction and certification, and is a registered school with the Yoga Alliance at the 200- and 500-Hour Levels.

Program Schedule and Fees
The YAA Teacher Training Program (YAA-TTP) consists of 200 Hours of training taken over a minimum of one year*, allowing students to customize their training, work at their own pace and integrate their learning over time.
The main Core Curriculum Classes and Teaching Skills Weekends are held on a rotating schedule, one weekend each month (in Edmonton or livestream via Zoom) over 10 months. The student also chooses from other qualified workshops based on their location, preferences and availability, and completes a practicum component with their chosen mentor.
*New schedule now allows completion in one year if all requirements are met. Missed modules can be made up the following year and students may take longer to complete the full program, as needed.

The YAA-TTP Application fee is $350 which now includes Lifetime Membership with the YAA. The program is pay-as-you-go so there is no up-front tuition, and costs are spread out over the time enrolled. Each weekend is $190 so all 10 weekends currently total $1,900. 80 hours of additional training plus other requirements are outlined below, and pricing for these components will vary depending on sources chosen, so total program costs will vary.
As a Certified Educational Institute recognized by the Government of Canada, tax receipts are issued for all applicable training hours while registered in the YAA-TTP.

200-Hour Program Requirements
The program requirements for 200-Hour Certification are summarized as follows:
- 120 hours of YAA Teacher Training consisting of the following:
   - 16 x 6 hour YAA-TTP Monthly Core Curriculum Classes as outlined on the Curriculum List.
   - 2 x 12 hour YAA Teaching Skills Weekends. - 50 hours of other Hatha Yoga Workshops with mentor or any other YAA Senior Teachers (or equivalent, with approval).
- 15 hours of Anatomy Training.
- 5 hours of YAA Professional Development Webinars.
- 10 hours of Practicum with mentor which consists of:
   - Regular meetings/consultations to review progress and assignments.
   - A minimum of 2 Hours of Mentor Supervised Teaching.
   - In addition, students are also expected to attend regular (~weekly) hatha yoga classes with their mentor throughout their time in the program, although these hours are not counted in the program. - 9 written assignments as outlined on the Assignments List.
- CPR Certification (any level).
- +10 additional hours of Karma Yoga (actions performed with yogic awareness and in selfless service to others on a volunteer basis) for a registered non-profit or charitable organization. At least 5 of these hours must be in service to the YAA.
- To qualify for enrolment in the YAA-TTP, applicants must be residents of Alberta, 18 years of age or older, and have some background in yoga (~50 hours of practice or more is recommended).
- Download the TTP Application Form and submit with a character reference along with details of previous attendance in hatha yoga classes (recent regular attendance is highly recommended). Details are outlined on the form.
- Pay your Application Fee online, or call the YAA office to arrange payment. Note that Lifetime Membership is now included in your application fee.
- Documents can be mailed or scanned/photographed and emailed directly to co*********@yo**.ca. Full program details and syllabus will be sent upon admission into the program.
- Approval of the YAA-TTP Coordinator is required for admission. A phone interview may be conducted.
For Further Information: Contact the Coordinator at co*********@yo**.ca.
The Yoga Association of Alberta is honoured to be entrusted with the Gerda Krebs Scholarship, aimed at providing financial assistance for students in need.
Gerda Krebs is a YAA Senior Teacher and a legend in Alberta. A wealth of knowledge, Gerda is still teaching at the age of 93 and continues to inspire students and teachers alike. She entered Friedel Khattab’s first yoga teacher training program in 1970 and has been teaching yoga ever since. In 1975, Gerda’s TV series ‘Yoga Fits In’ launched and ran on Shaw Cable television for an incredible 25 years. The show was brought back for an encore in 2016.
This scholarship fund was started by some of Gerda’s devoted students at Yoga for Today to honour Gerda and offer financial support to those pursuing yoga teacher training who are in need of financial assistance.
Successful applicants may be awarded scholarship funds to cover 1/2 of the YAA TTP Application Fee and a portion of the classes within the YAA’s Teacher Training Program (TTP), to a maximum value of $1,000.00, depending on individual need and fund availability. Fees for remaining expenses to fulfill the requirements of the program will be the responsibility of the applicant.
Apply for the scholarship here: https://forms.gle/yWKDHuEi17Liv4JU6
Beyond Certification
The YAA supports ongoing training and mentorship for its certified teachers and encourages teachers to continue to upgrade their yoga training beyond completion of the initial 200-Hour Level Certification.
Recertification: All YAA Certified Hatha Yoga Teachers meet professional upgrading standards and recertify every three years, maintaining active participation in both classes/workshops and teaching hours. This allows for credibility and recognition within professional circles, referrals from health authorities, access to community job postings, and discount insurance rates. Permanent Certification is available after 20 years of YAA Certification.
Advanced Training Levels: With further training and experience after initial 200-Hour Certification, YAA Teachers may also qualify for the following certification levels:
- 500-Hour Level
- 750-Hour Level (Intermediate Teacher Status)
- 1,000-Hour Level (Senior Teacher Status)