Mar 8/9 Teaching Skills w/ Mary LeBlanc
Teaching Skills Workshops offer an opportunity for teachers to refine their voice and cuing skills in a friendly, constructive, non-judgmental atmosphere of sharing and learning, all under the supervision of an experienced YAA Senior Teacher & Mentor. Learn about many different physical abilities that may be encountered in a class scenario and how to ensure the safety and welfare of all participants.
TEACHERS: Wanting to freshen up your skills and work towards Advanced Training Levels? All teachers and teachers-in-training are welcome to attend and are sure to get valuable insights to upgrade their skills. Hours may be counted towards YAA Equivalency Certification, Recertification requirements and Advanced Training at the 500-, 750- and 1,000-Hour Levels.
TTP STUDENTS: Teaching Skills Workshops are an integral part of your program. Three of these workshops are required within your program, and they are only offered twice per year. Don’t miss this one! New TTP students may join in on any date (more info here).
More Info/Register at the Website link below.