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Unlimited Class Pass w/ Donalee Campbell

Online-Livestream +1 more

Unlimited Recordings plus: 3x new Hatha Classes per week (MWF) and Meditation Group (W) via Zoom Livestream or In-Person (East of Ardrossan) $50-$100/month (sliding scale…

Life Anatomy it’s FUNctional!

Online-Recorded Alberta

Anatomy training with Sherry Ogg BGS Kin, GCFP RMT Online $49. Correspondence $75. Live TBA YAA-TTP Students: 15 hrs. Recertification for Yoga Teachers 15 hrs.…

Yoga Journey_Yasodhara Ashram

Yasodhara Ashram PO Box 9, Kootenay Bay

October 10-22. Yoga Journey: Yasodhara Ashram’s transformative 12-day experience. Expand your personal and spiritual development thro Yasodhara Yoga practices & reflection including mantra, Hidden Language Hatha,…

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