Family & Systemic Constellations Facilitator Training

YogaMCC Marda Loop Calgary

Unresolved issues from the past may cause the heart to shut down. If left unattended this disruption in the flow of love carries across generations, ripples…

Classical Kundalini Immersion

Prana Yoga Studio 5611 199 St NW, Edmonton, AB, Canada

Classical Kundalini Immersion Yoga with Isabelle (Sakshi) Addison, E-RYT 500 September 27-29, 2024 Friday 5:30-8:30 pm, Saturday/Sunday 8:00 am-5:00 pm Are you looking to heighten…

Hormone Yoga: The Dinah Rodrigues Method [REGISTERED]

YogaMCC Bowness 6323 Bowness Rd NW, Calgary, AB, Canada

Oct 3 - Nov 7, 2024, 5:30-7:30 pm Do you struggle with anything on this list? Peri/Menopause imbalances PMS/PMDD Hypothyroidism/Under Active Thyroid Hot flashes PCOS…

Embodied Sound | Sanskrit

Prana Yoga Studio 5611 199 St NW, Edmonton, AB, Canada

Yoga of Embodied Sound Immersion An Intro and Deep Dive into Sanskrit & Mantra with April Cantafio   Weekend 1: Embodied Sanskrit An Introduction to…

Restorative Yoga Sanctuary

Prana Yoga Studio 5611 199 St NW, Edmonton, AB, Canada

Restorative Yoga rejuvenates vital life force energy (prana) by deeply calming the nervous system and quieting the mind, reconnecting us to our essential vitality. Supportive…


Yoga Journey_Yasodhara Ashram

Yasodhara Ashram PO Box 9, Kootenay Bay, BC, Canada

October 10-22. Yoga Journey: Yasodhara Ashram’s transformative 12-day experience. Expand your personal and spiritual development thro Yasodhara Yoga practices & reflection including mantra, Hidden Language Hatha,…

Gentle/Chair Yoga

Burnewood Community League 4118 41 Ave NW, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

Gentle/Chair Yoga Thursdays, October 17, 24, 31, November 7, 14, 21, 28,December 5, 12 10AM - 11AM Burnewood Community League (4118 41 Ave NW, Edmonton,…

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