Our Philosophy
Our Vision:
A world where all people can experience well-being, wholeness and community through yoga.
Our Mission:
To support equitable access to the physical, mental and social benefits of yoga throughout Alberta by offering:
- diverse, accessible programs and community connections;
- free or subsidized outreach programs for under-served communities;
- public education on the teachings of yoga and the benefits of practice;
- high professional standards with quality teacher training, certification, ongoing mentorship, and opportunities for upgrading; and
- support for local teachers in bringing safe, accessible and trauma-sensitive yoga to everyone.
Our Values:
The YAA is an inclusive community rooted in ancient teachings with a long legacy of respect and cooperation between diverse traditions and approaches to yoga. We find strength in diversity, wisdom through education and experience, integrity through ethical and professional standards, and connection through compassionate service.
The YAA is committed to creating a diverse, equitable and inclusive environment and believes everyone should have access to the benefits of yoga. We strive to ensure that everyone is respected and valued regardless of physical and mental capacity, age, economic circumstance, ethnicity, family status, gender identity, geographic location, immigration situation, language, national origin, occupation, race, religious belief, sexuality, trauma, personal history, or any other factor. We are dedicated to creating a safe and welcoming environment where everyone can be their authentic selves and thrive.
Code of Ethics
The Yoga Association of Alberta views its activities as promoting increased public knowledge and availability of yoga. All individuals in the association are encouraged to participate in these activities in an atmosphere of cooperation.
The YAA Code of Ethics, as adopted at the 1979 annual meeting of the Association, is:
- To treat others with dignity, respect and consideration of their circumstances.
- To act in such a manner so as to maintain and honour the traditions of yoga.
- To study, practice and expand the knowledge of yoga.
- To improve the standards of yoga within the community.