Overview of Training Programs

Diane Legs up a Wall

100-Hour Immersion Program

The YAA's 100-Hour Immersion program is geared towards experienced yoga students who wish to deepen their understanding of the practices and philosophies of hatha yoga, but do not have intentions to teach.


200-Hour Teacher Training Program

The YAA has been recognized across Canada for its high standards of yoga instruction. The YAA-TTP is a mentorship-based program in Hatha yoga where students choose a YAA Senior Teacher with whom to apprentice. Students are able to choose a lineage that suits their needs and preferences, while following a standard curriculum of training.


Advanced Training Levels

With further training and experience, YAA Certified Teachers may also qualify for certification at the following levels:

  • 500-Hour Level
  • 750-Hour Level (Intermediate Teacher Status)
  • 1,000-Hour Level (Senior Teacher Status)

YAA Workshops and Classes

Deepen your practice with YAA Sponsored classes & workshops.  Hours count towards YAA Training Programs including the Immersion Program, Teacher Training, Equivalency Certification, Recertification and Advanced Training Levels.

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